Sequential compression devices
Sequential compression devices

sequential compression devices

Mode E for blood circulation and lymphatic drainage massage: Working as mode B first work alternately and repeatedly.Mode slimming massage D: Chamber 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 inflating at the same time till setted pressure or for 90 secs., then deflating in same time 3 secs.Chamber 3,4 start inflating till setted pressure or for 40 secs, hold air 2 secs, same way till chamber 5,6, pause 3 secs, then repeat.

sequential compression devices sequential compression devices

Mode deep massage C: Chamber 1,2 inflating till setted pressure or for 40 secs, hold air 2 secs, then start deflating.Chamber 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 deflating in same time 3 secs. Mode therapy B: Chamber no 1 inflating till setup pressure or for 28 secs., then keep pressure, chamber no 2 starts inflating, till setup pressure or for 28 sec, then chamber 1, 2 keep pressure in same time, then chamber 3 starting, same way till after chamber 6.Same way till chamber 6, pause 3 sec, then restart chamber 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 again. Mode massage A: Chamber no 1 inflating till setup pressure or for 28 secs, then hold air 2 secs, start deflating, chamber no 2 starting inflating.Start: Press it, machine work on setted mode press again, pause mode.Power: Press it, the machine is on stand by mode.When inflating or deflating each chamber, that chamber light is flashing. If need restart the chamber, press again. Position 1,2,3,4,5,6 indicate 6 chambers, original setting is light on, press it close one chamber and light off, means the chamber won’t work.Set pressure force + - Pressure range: 30-240mmHg.Dynamic two red digital numbers show treating time left.when time out, machine shut off automatically. Set treating time + - time range: 1-90 mins original setting is 30 mins, one-time short pressing + for increasing 1 mins, - for reducing 1 mins Extended pressing + or - for target treating time.

Sequential compression devices